4.3 | File Upload

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About File Upload Assignments

For assignments you will need to turn in through Canvas, you will see a "Submit Assignment" button on your assignment page. Submission options will show up below the instructions once you click the Submit Assignment button. One option may be to upload a file (see below). You can upload a file from your computer, or you may also see the options to submit a file from your Google Drive. 


Uploading a file to your Assignment:

 animation of the process outlined below


      1. Select the "Submit Assignment" button in the top-right corner of the screen. 
      2. Select "Choose File."
      3. Find your file in the pop-up window.
      4. Select "Open," then click the "Submit Assignment" button. 


To upload multiple files, click on "+Add Another File." There is also a space to leave a comment for your instructor. Assignments can be re-submitted until the last availability date that your instructor has set for the assignment. Once submitted, you cannot delete your submission. 

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